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CAADP Awards Africa’s top agricultural journalists

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During a lively awards ceremony at the 10thComprehensive Africa Agriculture Development (CAADP) Partnership Platform conference in Durban, South Africa, the continent’s winners of the African Union Commission and NEPAD Agency CAADP Media Awards were announced.


Les heureux gagnants

Les heureux gagnants

The media awards were announced at the on-going CAADP PP, which brought together African and global leaders from a number of international organisations, African Governments including ministers, private agribusiness firms, financial institutions, farmers, NGOs and civil society organizations to discuss and develop concrete investment plans for scaling agricultural development success in Africa.


“The media have a significant role to play in telling the CAADP story and ensuring our messages are heard across the continent said, H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission. “Through these strong voices we can reach small holder farmers, youth, and women that are critical to the advancement of our initiatives and Africa’s success.”


Une soiré riche en couleurs

Une soiré riche en couleurs

Winners and runner-ups were announced from Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, Cameroon and Ghana; all bringing a unique perspective to how the developing agriculture narrative is being told. Four finalists and four runner ups were brought on stage to accept awards – their work ranged from reporting on the crucial role woman play in agriculture to the importance of bio-gas.


Finalists of the awards are:

News articles & stories category:  Sitembile Siwawa from Zambia – “Female Farmers Empowerment Vital”

News articles & stories category: Idrissa Konditamdé from Burkina Faso – “Le zaïou comment récolterdeux tonnes à l’hectaresur un sol aride”

Video, documentary and television category:IbrahimaDiallo from Senegal “La Salinsation des Terres en Casamance”

Radio and audio broadcast category: Richard Katami Bwayo from Uganda – “The Importance of Bio-gas in Promoting Sustainable Land Management”


Runners up included:

Doreen Nawa from Zambia – “ICTs: helping farmers make the most of produce”

·        Seydou Prosper Sadio from Senegal – “Une centaine de variétés d’arachides en cours d’expérimentation dans les stations de l’Isra”

Ngala Chimtom from Cameroon – “Farmers coping with water shortage in Cameroon”

Adelaide Arthur from Ghana – “Push pull”

Ms. Mwanja Ng’anjo


Ms. Carol Jilombo




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