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“Innovate, Industrialise Agriculture” – CAADP PP

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Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the NEPAD Agency

Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the NEPAD Agency

Accra, Ghana, April 12 – “Africa can only make it happen if we collectively innovate and agree to account for the resources injected, results and impact that ensue. Indeed, as a continent, with a community of destiny, we cannot afford to invest into our agriculture the same way we have been doing thus far,” said Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the NEPAD Agency.

Dr Mayaki was speaking today at the 12th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Partnership Platform (CAADP PP) [i] meeting convened by the African Union Commission in collaboration with the NEPAD Agency in Ghana.

The meeting brought together over 300 participants.  High level African leadership included the former President of Ghana John Kufour; former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr Agnes Kalibata, President of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.  Also present were Regional Economic Communities, government ministries, farmers’ organisations, the private sector, civil society and development partners.

In her opening remarks at the CAADP PP meeting, H.E Ms Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission said, the only way to sustainably deliver on African agricultural commitments is to mobilize our own continental human and financial resources. “We need to build strong partnerships for an accountable and efficient implementation of the CAADP Agenda since investment in agriculture makes good economic sense,” she said.

The Ghanaian Deputy Minister for Food and Agriculture, Dr Ahmed Yakubu Alhassan declared that CAADP is the most ambitious agricultural reform agenda ever undertaken on the continent, as an African-led and owned development framework.  Innovative financing for agriculture in Africa is also critical for rural transformation.

In keeping with the theme of the meeting on Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnership to Accelerate Implementation of CAADP, Dr Mayaki reiterated that Africa must innovate because we need to design new and fit-for-purpose instruments that are able to help deal with the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities.

The issue of Risk Management is a typical example of where we need to propose innovative instruments that meet the needs of the countries. The remedies and solutions of the past may not work with the ever more complex issues of today,” Dr Mayaki said.

Concurring with the fact that farmers are at the heart of transforming the agricultural sector, Philip Kiriro, President of the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation expressed satisfaction with the progress made in CAADP thus far.

Christoph Rauh, Deputy Director of BMZ, sub-Saharan Africa, stated that young people need to be involved, as agriculture needs to provide good business and employment for the youth.  “It is time to talk less and do more in order for results and impact to be achieved,” he said.

Agricultural transformation will be realised when industrialisation of the sector is finally achieved. This was the consensus from the different representatives.

It is expected that the 12th CAADP PP meeting will generate a number of key actionable activities to speed up implementation through financial innovation and partnerships to deliver the Malabo Declaration and the Africa Union “Agenda 2063” – a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years.

The 12th CAADP PP began on a high note with more than 300 participants attending the meeting.  The AUC and NEPAD organized meeting brought together Regional Economic Communities, government ministries, farmers’ organisations, the private sector, civil society and development partners.

L'ancien président du Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, s’adresse ici aux medias sur le «Prix Africa Food"

L’ancien président du Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, s’adresse ici aux medias sur le «Prix Africa Food »

Former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, yesterday addressed the media on the “Africa Food Prize”

“We want to celebrate individuals and institutions that are changing the reality of farming in Africa from a gruelling struggle to survive to a profitable family business that thrives,” said  Former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo, who is chairing the Africa Food Prize Committee.


The Africa Food Prize recognizes outstanding individuals and institutions that are changing the reality of farming in Africa from a struggle to survive, to businesses that thrive. Winners will be selected by a panel of independent and distinguished leaders in African agriculture chaired by  H.E Obasanjo.

The NEPAD Agency CEO also had an opportunity to share his thoughts on  financing models that will bring about Africa’s agriculture transformation. In this interview, he also spoke on the kind of partnerships Africa needs to focus on to realise a continent that will not only feed itself, but the world at large.

Filmed at the 12th CAADP PP, the CAADP documentary is an advocacy tool that will be used to reach out to stakeholders with messaging on the next ten years of agriculture in Africa.  The 2025 Malabo goals adopted by African countries to accelerate sustainable growth in the agricultural sector form the core message of the documentary.  Different stakeholder voices are included on how they see Africa and themselves turning this important sector around.

A nutrition side event on accountability for nutrition outcomes brought together member states, RECs, development partners , private sector and civil society.  The meeting discussed the nutrition situation on the continent, highlighting the high levels of child under-nutrition, micro-nutrient deficiencies among children and women of reproductive age as well as the problem of over-nutrition and obesity.

The role of agriculture in improving nutrition was also discussed, including raising awareness on the Malabo Declaration on Nutrition Security for Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa.  The meeting concluded with key actions to be implemented by NEPAD, AUC  and the RECs in collaboration with partners. These include:

·        Stepping up on Advocacy and communication for Nutrition including aligning the 2 Malabo Declarations on Agriculture and Nutrition Security

·        Communicating the cost benefits of nutrition especially during high level events such as the AU summit.

·        Linking nutrition  better with the agriculture value chain to attract financing and investment and

·        Strengthening coordination at the continental, regional and national levels for improved nutrition outcomes.

Speaking during a Panel discussion titled  “Inclusive Access to Finance to empower Women and Youth, a young female farmer from Botswana, Beauty Manaka spoke about her experience. “ I went into farming because I wanted money and I wanted it fast. One of the things that encouraged me to go into farming is that there was possibility of making money, especially looking at the South African farmers who were already well-established and successful. I knew that there was access to finance in Botswana availed to youth and women and I managed to get finance to kick-start my business.

It has not been easy and I would like to propose that governments come up with strategies to mainstream agriculture education into the education system.”  she said.


“There is also an urgent need to formulate more policies that focus on supporting and aiding women farmers,“ said Beauty (Source: Nepad)

[i] CAADP, short for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development, is an African-wide agenda designed to support the transformation of the continent’s agriculture for sustained food security and socio-economic growth.

Un commentaire

  1. Bonjour monsieur le directeur je m’appelle AGBO-
    OLA Cherif je suis le
    directeur du Centre de Production Agricole et de la
    Formation au BÉNIN
    nous avons un projet de vulgarisation de la
    production de banane
    plantain Associer et la production et transformation
    de poisson chat
    Pourquoi cette association dans l’objectif de la
    valorisation de l’eau
    de poisson qui servirons de l’engrais au banane.
    Nous aimerions solliciter votre appui pour atteindre
    les objectifs.
    Merci et bonne réception


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