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Press House of Mali (PRESS RELEASE)

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The city of Johannesburg, the economic capital of South Africa, has just hosted the 6th Binnual General meeting of The African Editors Forum (BGM). The largest platform of African media managers and managers that is held every two years.

TAEFThe TAEF meetings are among the most followed agendas on the pan-African media scene. So the meeting in Johannesburg was the same. For Mali, it was a meeting of consecration. Indeed, the General Assembly of TAEF elected, our compatriot, Mr. Makan Koné to the strategic position of Secretary General. The mandate runs from 23 November 2017.
Mali’s Press House is pleased with this choice and congratulates Mr Koné for his support. It is a mandate of the whole of the Malian press that the House of the press engages for its success.

Bamako, November 27, 2017

Mr Dramane Aliou KONE





The African Editors Forum (TAEF) has welcomed the political change in Zimbabwe and has expressed hope that the presidency of Innocent Mnangagwa will usher in a new era for media freedom in Zimbabwe. The media in Zimbabwe has, for over, three decades, published and broadcasted under extremely difficult conditions which included the detention and harassment of journalist as well as the attacks of publishers. It is TAEF’s hope that the new era for Zimbabweans will lead to one where all laws that are inimica to media freedom will be removed from statuette books by President Mnangagwa’s government.

TAEF will be work with the Southern African Editors Forum and editors in Zimbabwean to help achieve an environment where freedom of the media will reign.

TAEF, at its bi-annual general meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa, also expressed concern at the discovery of modern slavery in Libya. However, TAEF recognized that the Libya modern slavery expose was brought to the world by the media. TAEF deplored the violation of human rights of African by fellow Africans, praised the media for the expose and encouraged more investigative reporting.

African editors also adopted a resolution condemning the 10 year jail sentence imposed on  Cameroonian journalist Ahmed Abba by a military court for just doing his job. TAEF also called for Abba’s freedom and the cessation of the trials of other Cameroonian journalist on trial.

TAEF remains deepl concerned about the deteriorating media freedom in Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Somalia, Ethiopia and

However, editors also recognised and praised several African countries for protecting and promoting media freedom.

In this context, the President of Burkina Faso, His Excellency Marc Roch Christian Kabore , whose government removed all laws that restrict media freedom, was presented with the Friends of the African Media Award.

Previous winners of the Award include Nelson Mandela, the late legendary former President of South Africa, his successor Thabo Mbeki, then President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Ghana John Kofour.

The Friend of the African Media Award to President Kabore was presented by Gauteng Premier David Makhura.

At the BGM, TAEF also elected a new leadership:

– President : Jovial Rantao, South Africa

– Deputy President : Zine Cherfaoui, Algeria

– Secretary General : Makan Koné, Mali

– Treasurer : Mahlatse Mahlase, South Africa

– Chair  of Press Freedom Committee: Michael Didama, Chad

– TAEF Project Manager: Willy Mponda, Zimbabwe.


The TAEF BGM also adoped a five year plan to grow, strengthen the organisation and eliminate restriction to media freedom throughout African continent.


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